by Jia Ying Chia Finding his purpose at a young age means Sabahan wildlife filmmaker Myles Storey has been…
by Jia Ying Chia As a young writer, Malcolm Mejin certainly was sure if he would strike it big in…
by Jia Ying Chia Known for her whimsical personality and seamless ability to move between art styles and genres.…
by Jia Ying Chia Taking opportunities when they arise is something Lynne Liew has been very good at; the 26…
by Jia Ying Chia When she isn't parked in front of her multitude of computer monitors working on visual effect…
by Jia Ying Chia When she first applied to film school in the states, Cheyenne Tan had no idea how…
by Rozman Mashor They never buckle. They never retreat. They fall to their knees. They cry unabashedly. They are YASKA,…
Dr Kathrina Daud, Author of The Fisherman King When it comes to local authors, only one name truly springs to…